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Installing ProLinux 2

Currently ProLinux 2 images are shipped as complete disks images that can be flashed to a devices local storage. Dual-booting is currently not supported.


The username is user and the default password is 147147

ProLinux 2 Mobile


These are very experimental images, so many phone features like calling and SMS are not supported!

Standard Devices

For mobile devices such as a Pine64 PinePhone or PinePhine Pro, installing is as easy as writing the .img file to an SD Card using dd or Etcher.

Android-based Devices

For Android-based mobile devices such as the OnePlus 6, there are two files that need to be flashed, the root image (userdata) and the boot image:

$ fastboot flash boot boot.img
$ fastboot flash userdata oneplus-echilada.img

The version of fastboot distributed by distros can have issues flashing ProLinux. You may want to use fastboot from the (Google Platform SDK Tools)[]


The KExec-based boot mechanism is currently disabled by default on Android/SDM845 devices (the modem keeps crashing, we'd love help debugging this!)

This means you must download and flash boot.img after every system update, or your device will not boot if the kernel modules in the squashfs root have been updated.

ProLinux 2 Embedded / Server

x86 UEFI

ProLinux 2 images for UEFI platforms are standard GPT-formatted disk images. Currently there is no standalone installation media, so there are a few alternative installation approaches. If you desire a live environment, you can simply flash and boot ProLinux from a USB. Otherwise,

  • Boot a alternate live OS from a USB (ex. Fedora, Ubuntu), and curl | gunzip | dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress
  • Boot a alternate live OS from a USB, copy/download the ProLinux 2 disk image to external storage, and flash it with dd.
  • Flash ProLinux 2 to a USB and boot it, then dd the usb itself (/dev/sdX) to the disk (less recommended)